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What are Impact Doors, and Who Should Have Them?

Impact Doors

Doors are generally constructed with structural integrity and security in mind. The typical high-end door, whether it’s made of wood, steel, or fiberglass, can withstand reasonable amounts of stress and impact, with some variation depending on material and specific style of construction. A door’s frame plays a part here as well; a well-built door mounted to a structurally weak frame won’t do much good, so most standard frames are built from solid wood or metal. For the majority of situations, a standard door and frame will be more than adequate.

However, for extreme weather situations, like those encountered in South Florida, where hurricane winds have been recorded at speeds over 150 miles per hour, standard door construction may not suffice, and might even result in damage to property and personal injury. Homeowners in South Florida and other tropical locales prone to intense storm seasons are used to the yearly anxiety of fortifying their homes against approaching hurricanes lest they be caught in a category 4 storm unprepared. The rush for supplies and the subsequent and predictable shortages are an additional source of stress, leading to many homeowners permanently outfitting their homes for extreme weather scenarios. If that sounds like you, then you’re exactly who should be considering impact doors for your front and rear entryway.

What Sets Impact Doors Apart From Regular Doors?

When hurricane winds breach your front door, it’s a pandora’s box of destructive potential. Moisture introduced by rainy winds can destroy walls, floors, and furniture. High-speed debris can damage not only property, but people, leading to injury or death. Rapid pressure changes caused by winds entering a home can even cause its roof to detach.

Unlike standard doors, an impact door is designed to hold strong against severe winds and other weather hazards. While standard doors can be bested by even intermediate hurricane winds, impact doors stay tight and secure, ensuring your home remains uncompromised when the weather turns dangerous.

Though some manufacturers are known for fabricating composite impact doors, using different materials in tandem to craft a flexible, impact-absorbing door slab, we at ETO have opted to provide impact doors similar in construction to our standards offerings, right down to the diverse and personable stylings for which we’re known and loved, including French doors and glass doors. And while we can guarantee all of our doors are sturdy and secure, our impact doors are especially suited for resisting those breach attempts which occur without mother nature’s help, like attempted break-ins. Even the glass used in impact doors is more resistant to blunt force and strikes than typical glass.

Impact Rating

ETO’s impact doors are certified according to the Florida building code, equivalent to the Miami-Dade NOA hurricane resistance standard, itself derived from the rigorous Miami-Dade High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) test. Additionally, all of our impact doors are compatible with Florida building code compliance standards, so they can be installed in accordance with building code.

Insurance Benefits

In the State of Florida, insurance providers are compelled by law to incentivize the installation of storm-mitigating measures in homes, such as impact doors. These incentives can include a policy discount. If you’re thinking about installing impact doors in your home, give your homeowner’s insurance provider a call and inquire about the incentives they offer for home stormproofing.

Don’t ever hesitate to get in touch with ETO doors if you have any other questions regarding the capabilities, specifications, and available styles of our impact-rated doors. Remember, it’s always better to be prepared, so don’t wait until hurricane season to place your order for a durable, high-quality impact door.



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