If you have ever wondered what gives knotty wood types their name, it’s the large, swirling knots within the grain of the wood that are generally darker than the rest of the wood within the same tree, slab, door, and furniture. Some of the most popular knotty woods are alder, beech, black walnut, hard and soft maple, a variety of pine woods, some cedar species, and birch. There are many other knotty kinds of wood, but for the purposes of interior and exterior doors, these are the top choices because they are the most resilient, long-lasting, and versatile.
As a class, knotty woods are generally excellent sound-blockers, making them a very popular choice for interior and exterior doors among many door shoppers. But what most people love about interior and exterior knotty alder or knotty pine doors (among others) is that they are so unique because of their knots. The knots in these wood species occur seemingly randomly, and that means that even if your neighbor orders the exact same door the same day you do, they will look vastly different because of placement, size, and prominence of the knots in the wood. For inside or exterior doors, the unique beauty of knotty woods is not lost on anyone who appreciates true, natural beauty.
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