You can easily and affordably learn how to install an interior door — it’s so easy you’ll be able to do all of them yourself in a very short period of time. Why pay the handyman when you can get the job done yourself? You may actually find you enjoy it, and it could lead to more fun DIY home design projects in your future!
Phase 1: Find a Door You Love — with the Measurement of Your Wall Opening in Mind
The most important part of the entire process of learning how to install an interior door is making sure you get a door (or doors) you really like. If you aren’t head-over-heels in love with the door(s) you choose, installing them won’t be as fun as it should be. ETO Doors has literally thousands of interior doors to choose from, so you’re sure to find a door that: a) you will really like with all features you crave, and b) an interior entryway that will fit your wall opening. Call 1-855-234-3982 and our team will gladly craft an interior door to meet your specifications. Once your door has arrived, you are ready to learn the ropes of how to install an interior door — by actually doing it.
Phase 2: Preparing with a Level and Pencil — Marking Where the Doorjamb Will Go
To prepare for the installation of your interior door, you’re going to use a #2 pencil to draw a vertical line on the side of the door where the hinges will go. Draw this line precisely one-half inch where the doorjamb will go. In order to do this properly, you’ll need at minimum a four-foot level, or, if you have one (or can borrow one and save money), you’ll probably have optimal results with a laser level, as these actually affix to the wall next to where you’re working. Once the bubble in the level indicates its level, begin to draw your line from top to bottom, ensuring it’s the entire length of the doorjamb length.
Phase 3: Adding Brackets to the Jamb and the Doorjamb to the Wall
Depending on the height of your door, your next step will be to install at least three door installation brackets on each side of the outer part of the jamb. When applying brackets, remember no matter the door’s height, there should always be one bracket 20 centimeters from the top, and one bracket 20 centimeters from the bottom. Any remaining brackets attached should be installed equidistant from one another. You’ll then use a drill to affix the jamb — which is the door’s frame — to the drywall or other surface bordering the installation perimeter. As you do this, use the line you drew with the help of the level to guide your drilling.
Phase 4: Finishing Up! Apply Door Trim and Boast About How to Install an Interior Door
The door trim is the very thin wood that borders the doorjamb, covering the installation brackets and any other hardware you may have used to install the door and its frame. The final part of knowing how to install an interior door is applying the trim in such a manner that it totally hides your brackets. This work is made easy when the trim comes pre-measured, but if it doesn’t, you can very easily purchase trim in the color (or nude if you prefer) and cut it yourself using a radial saw to create mitered angles on the pieces of trim so each piece meets up at each corner of the frame seamlessly.
You’re all done! If you want to learn more about pre-hung doors or any other aspect of how to hang an interior door yourself, feel free to call ETO Doors anytime — we’re happy to answer your questions and even ensure you get the interior door that meets your measurements and the interior design style you prefer.
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