The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an organization dedicated to ensuring well-managed forestry throughout the world. This includes making sure that products made from forest materials—such as doors—are done so responsibly. Many forest owners and managers become FSC certified to show that the administration of their forests is done with concern for the environment. When picking out a new door for your home, you may want to consider a company that is FSC certified. An FSC certified company is one that is devoted to safe practices in their manufacturing of wooden products, including, of course, doors such as all those we carry here at ETO. The Forest Stewardship Council maintains a number of standards when determining if an organization is involved in responsible forestry. To meet the criteria, a company must be compliant with all appropriate laws and international treaties, respect the rights of indigenous people who might otherwise be displaced, respect the rights of workers, maintain a monitoring and assessment plan for measuring the condition of the forest, and promote the restoration and preservation of the environment. FSC certified companies must also uphold the integrity of their forests by reducing logging activities that may be detrimental to nature. Buying an FSC certified door means you are supporting the cause of protecting our planet and the forests that thrive on it. Your money goes a long way, so knowledge about whom you are buying from is imperative. Non-FSC certified doors are not guaranteed to be involved in the upkeep of the planet’s forests and wildlife and buying from them may mean your money goes toward the destructive deforestation of Earth. Know who you’re buying from and make our environmental future more secure by shopping FSC certified companies.
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